Shirodhara – Green Day Spa India | Luxury Body Massage Centre in Chennai | Coimbatore | Egmore | Kilpuak | Mylapore | MRC Nagar | Pondichery | Ahmedabad | Gandhinagar | Madipakkam |




  • Shirodhara is a form of ayurvedha therapy that involves gently pouring liquids.
  • Over the fore heads and can be one of the steps invloved in panchakarma.
  • The name comes from the sanskrit word shiro (head) and dhara (flow)
  • Shirodhara is an amazing, unique body theraphy from the ancient natural medical system ayurvedha
  • Shirodhara has profound impact on the nervous system.
  • That means, the treatment directly and immediately calms, relaxes and has a cleansing effect on the minds and nerves
  • In the western alternative medicine world, I personally do not know of another therapy the system apart, from an established meditation practice.
  • Includes : Shirodhara
    massage to back, legs, arms, abdomen, neck and shoulders